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Formulary | Medicines Evaluation Database

The two main national compilations are:

New Product Evaluations

Produced by the North West Medicines Information Service on behalf of UKMi
and covers a range of evaluations from NHS and related bodies including:

  • AWMSG – All Wales Medicines Strategy Group
  • LCNDG – London Cancer New Drugs Group
  • LNDG – London New Drugs Group
  • MTRAC – Midland Therapeutic Review & Advisory Committee
  • NETAG – North East Treatment Advisory Group
  • NICE – National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
  • NICE-MPC – NICE Medicines & Prescribing Centre
  • NPC – National Prescribing Centre
  • NHSC – NIHR Horizon Scanning Centre
  • RDTC – Regional Drug & Therapeutics Centre
  • SMC – Scottish Medicines Consortium
  • UKMi – United Kingdom Medicines Information

Medicines Evaluations Compilation Table 

Contains links to evaluations from MI centres for local formulary decision making, and some other reviews not covered above.

It is produced by Sherwood Forest Hospitals Medicines Information Service on behalf of the Trent Formulary Network. Please email your reviews for inclusion to Steven.Haigh1@nhs.net